Enhancing Empathy, Resisting Shame
One of my favourite influencers is Brene Brown. Brene is well known for her research surrounding Shame, Guilt, Vulnerability and Empathy. Her perspective has excellent insights into me as a leader, parent, educator, business owner and community member. Shaming is a word we have heard often throughout the pandemic. If asked, most of us would agree it is far better to be empathetic than shameful. Undoubtedly, it is easy to choose Empathy vs Shame, and yet do we really know the difference between the two and how they show up in our daily lives and work? What does empathy really look like in our businesses? In life? In parenting?
Writing with the 5 Love Languages
The five love languages at work teach us a lot about how our team, clients and peers give and receive business appreciation.
Author Gary Chapman proposed that there are 5 love languages, originally created for couples, to show and receive love. This naturally extended to a workplace version of our needs in a professional world. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We are all different and being attentive to seeking out ways to appreciate each other is critical. It is not a one size fits all approach. A successful entrepreneur or business owner strives to showcase and share all the love languages to show appreciation for others. This will help you guide your efforts to become a better writer and appeal to your audience in the way that they sense your appreciation for them in the unique ways that they feel your love.
Avoiding Cliches
If there was ever a year that created cliches, it was 2020.
A cliche is a phrase, word or opinion that is considered overused and as a result, sometimes is dismissed or considered a stereotype or thought that lacks originality. It lacks clever creativity because it is just, well, too familiar. Consider the pandemic cliches that were new words to us at the beginning. Discover ways on how to discover and change up if you are using cliches too much.
Exhale Gratitude
In my Tuesday morning yoga class, my instructor Anne Marie always ends with a reading that typically brings me to tears and then finishes with this powerful namaste phrase. "Inhaling acceptance and exhaling gratitude."
In a year that has been consumed with chaos and confusion, this phrase has become my personal mission statement. I thrive on and continue to seek out signs that our community demonstrates true acceptance of each other and others. And in this season of Gratitude, I am exhaling deep Gratitude this year for these four unusual but incredible gifts.
Why Blogs & Videos are Essential
It has been quite the learning curve since I began my business to understand and learn the marketing importance. And many people have tried to implore about what they believe is essential and will help grow your business. It can be daunting. So how do we choose what to focus our energy on? But I have had a huge AHA moment! My friends, this may shock you, but there is a more significant, more critical focus we need as entrepreneurs and businesses than our social media presence. Blogging and videos are the key to your long term success. Read why!
Ways to Enhance your Writing View
When my son @chrishustl came up with the brilliant name for my business, The Write View, I was instantly in love. Then he came up with the tagline, "let me do the writing; you enjoy the view."
My response? He already had me at The Write View!
Clever, Creative, Clear and from all accounts, people would say, pretty "branding voice perfect!"
If you are writing in your work, growing a business with your social media strategy, blogging, marketing or sales writing, you really will show your brand and voice off more authentically if you write in a space that resonates with you. It's contagious and will flow into your words. Guaranteed. Whether your work is now from home or returning to the office, I am a proponent of creating writing spaces that will fuel productivity, creativity and fill your senses with all the benefits.
Four Benefits of Blogging
I am often asked, "Can you help me understand how a blog will help generate income?" And it is such a great question! So much so that I thought I should write a blog about it! Blogs have many benefits! If you are a small business owner, you may be wondering more than ever how to have a virtual or digital presence to generate engagement and connection with others. Blogs are an intentional way to offer your expertise and ultimately help your business soar! Here's why.
The Pandemic Pivot
Are you continually wondering about what life will mean after this pandemic or when that will even be? Businesses are scrambling to stay afloat during it, and wondering what the cost will be going forward after it. You are not alone. So while I certainly don’t have all the answers to these unprecedented times, my biggest reflective “Ahas” in my own business experience has been these three realizations.
Sensitive Words During Challenging Times
Be wary of those highly Sensitive Words. Now, More than ever. With the current COVID crisis, the world is watching and listening to what our leaders say, what our front-line workers are doing and how our communities are responding. The digital world seems to be blowing up with articles, and opinions and pivoting new ideas to get through to the other side. At a time when emotions are high and times are uncertain, there are cautionary words that can be highly sensitive and then misunderstood.
Love is not Cancelled
What are you stocking up on these days? At a time when we are worried about what is and is not stocked at the grocery stores, I thought it was a good time to advocate for the unseen things that are needed to stock up on during these unprecedented and challenging times. I know we still need toilet paper and a sense of humour. But above all else, compassion will be the key to flattening the curve. Read some Simple Ways to Stock up on Compassion.
How do Blogs Generate Income?
You keep seeing the idea of Blogging discussed as a marketing strategy for your business. But you may be wondering how a blog can actually generate revenue in your business. What a fantastic question! And you are not alone, I am asked about this all the time! So much so, that I thought I should write a blog about it! :)
How to Write a Difficult Email
That uncomfortable email we have to write. We dread it and procrastinate on it. There's nothing worse than knowing there is no escaping it. In all difficult situations, I am a huge proponent of talking face to face when there is a working relationship issue. Relationships matter and so all of the body language and inflections we give are instrumental pieces of communication. That being said, sometimes you need it in writing to organize your thoughts, support your ideas and reflect accurately and professionally on where you stand. I apply the same principles for writing those awkward and difficult emails professionally as I do personally.
Rise and Shine
Even with the prettiest of snowy winter days, the lack of sunshine and cold temperatures, along with the knowledge that it won’t be changing any time soon, can lead to a change or shift in our moods. There are many things we can do to cultivate positive thoughts to get us through this! Words have a powerful way of supporting our ability to identify with others. Social Media presents ongoing messages to steer us in one way or another. Being aware of its power is so important and a prevalent reminder to fill our minds with the messages that help us shine.
Myths about Content Writing
I love being a writer and truth be told, I started this business because of the accolades I had received all my life about how I could put words onto paper, get a message conveyed and an essay completed error-free in half the time of my University peers or students. I also love journaling and emotionally dumping all my thoughts and feelings onto paper. This is a great stress reliever for me, and one I enjoy during my downtimes. What I know for sure is that the words matter and your engagement counts. If you believe that, then you want it to work for you if you are going to invest the time and effort.
Embracing Inclusion
Being more intentional with inclusive practice in life or business is essential. It weaves and is a required integration to everything we create, present or produce. How do you do that? I got you!
Here are my top ten tips for becoming more intentionally inclusive in your business or life
She’s a Brave Mess
She walked into my life without warning in December 2017. She had her story and I had mine. We found each other in unexpected circumstances. She was offering a service I had no responsible reason to enjoy given my current financial situation. And in our first encounter at my front door, I knew Chris the cleaning lady would bring more to my life than the sweet smell of lavender and a clean house. Chris was my new cleaning lady and soon-to-be warrior friend.
Surrender to Journalling
Journaling is not always a joyful experience. Sometimes it is a therapeutic release to explore self-awareness or simply just “get it out” somewhere. You do not need to be a great poetic writer to spill out an experience or emotion. But journaling may just be the strategy needed to deal more effectively and authentically with our thoughts and emotions. Here is a recent journal entry I wrote on New Years Day that I keep coming back to, searching for further meaning.
Resolve… to Enjoy!
I am beginning this year with an unusual resolution. I simply want to enjoy it more. As my son calls it, the year of “YOU DO YOU”. Many times, we look at our world and what surrounds us and try to make resolutions that will make our lives better, interpreting that into a list of all the “should have” or “should not haves” of the past. To keep up with the human natural desire to dream, we move it into a new list that will make us feel hopeful and believe we can accomplish it. This year, I am done with all the goal-setting. My focus is on being present and open to enjoying what life has to offer each day. I am excited about my new business, and the choices I am making to spend time cherishing the things that are important to me, which writing gives me. Thank you for supporting my journey and being part of my tribe.
The Joy of Giving
The holiday time is upon us, and every time we look in the retail environments or our own technology, there is a reminder that we are about to get busier and consumed with the many aspects of the upcoming season. With it comes the challenge and reality that when there is so much to do, we risk the beauty for us to enjoy it fully.
I know there are many families who find time during this hectic holiday season to give back in some way. Our hearts want to give to others through gift giving and time, as well as volunteerism for those less fortunate than us, is stirred within us. There are so many ways to participate in a spirit of giving at any time of the year and like exercise, we may struggle to fit it in, but always feel great when we do.
Introducing The Write View
This fall marked an emotional transition in my life as I watched my youngest head off to University, taking her post-secondary adventure dreams to beautiful BC. Usually a positive person, this was frightening, as being a mom to five fantastic people is notably the best thing I have ever done in my life. It has served as my ultimate purpose for the majority of my adult life to date.