Writing with the 5 Love Languages
The five love languages at work teach us a lot about how our team, clients and peers give and receive business appreciation.
Author Gary Chapman proposed that there are 5 love languages, originally created for couples, to show and receive love. This naturally extended to a workplace version of our needs in a professional world. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
We are all different and being attentive to seeking out ways to appreciate each other is critical. It is not a one size fits all approach. A successful entrepreneur or business owner strives to showcase and share all the love languages to show appreciation for others. This will help you guide your efforts to become a better writer and appeal to your audience in the way that they sense your appreciation for them in the unique ways that they feel your love.
Why Blogs & Videos are Essential
It has been quite the learning curve since I began my business to understand and learn the marketing importance. And many people have tried to implore about what they believe is essential and will help grow your business. It can be daunting. So how do we choose what to focus our energy on? But I have had a huge AHA moment! My friends, this may shock you, but there is a more significant, more critical focus we need as entrepreneurs and businesses than our social media presence. Blogging and videos are the key to your long term success. Read why!
Ways to Enhance your Writing View
When my son @chrishustl came up with the brilliant name for my business, The Write View, I was instantly in love. Then he came up with the tagline, "let me do the writing; you enjoy the view."
My response? He already had me at The Write View!
Clever, Creative, Clear and from all accounts, people would say, pretty "branding voice perfect!"
If you are writing in your work, growing a business with your social media strategy, blogging, marketing or sales writing, you really will show your brand and voice off more authentically if you write in a space that resonates with you. It's contagious and will flow into your words. Guaranteed. Whether your work is now from home or returning to the office, I am a proponent of creating writing spaces that will fuel productivity, creativity and fill your senses with all the benefits.
Four Benefits of Blogging
I am often asked, "Can you help me understand how a blog will help generate income?" And it is such a great question! So much so that I thought I should write a blog about it! Blogs have many benefits! If you are a small business owner, you may be wondering more than ever how to have a virtual or digital presence to generate engagement and connection with others. Blogs are an intentional way to offer your expertise and ultimately help your business soar! Here's why.